About This Blog:

The primary purpose of this blog is to showcase the best of my aviation photography. As such, you will find links to my main aviation gallery on Facebook containing photos from aircraft spotting, some kind of aviation event such as air shows and fly-in events, as well as aviation museums. I also critique my flights on commercial airlines and the services they provide. Occassionally, you'll find personally written, independent articles based on news and current events involving aviation. And of course, I'll put up links to official and unofficial aviation-related websites when I find them. And when time permits, I'll talk and discuss about anything involving aviation. But most importantly, this is my way to document my journey into the aviation industry!

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Pilot Life: Post-Maintenance Test Flight

I normally don't fly on Sundays, but I needed to run the engine on the Skyhawk after my uncle's trusted mechanic helped me button up the airplane yesterday. Earlier this week, my uncle removed the engine cowling, drained the oil and replaced the filter. After he left town midway through the week, my uncle asked me to replace the oil, which I did. And yesterday, I met with my uncle's main mechanic to oversee the rest of the maintenance where he was needed. We did a quick engine start and run on the ground yesterday but I did not take to the air because the ceiling was a little too low for my comfort. But today was a different story, so I left church a little early and made my way down to Albany to get a quick flight in in order give the engine some run time.

Taking N5174E a little post-maintenance jog!

After the usual pre-flight procedures, I got the engine going and I taxied down to the south run-up pad and did an engine run, taking a longer to double check all the gauges. After the run-ups showed no anomalies, I taxied the plane up to the north end for Runway 16 because the winds were favoring that direction, which was rare and unusual. I had the entire airspace around Albany to myself as I got myself airborne. I made left-closed traffic for Runway 16 and did some pattern work; considering that I haven't flown in over two weeks now due to lousy weather (it would've been nice to have been able to fly during the Thanksgiving holiday!), it was nice to knock off some rust and get back in the saddle.

I got a good half hour of flying the pattern in, executing two touch-and-go landings followed by a full-stop; the plane and engine sounded and felt good too! I would've gone longer but, I started picking up light drizzle and some low clouds from the west were emerging, so I played it safe. After landing roll-out, I cleared the runway at the intersection taxiway and taxied the plane back to the hangar and put it away.

It was nice to fly again after a while! This coming week, the weather is supposed to be more favorable so I will be sure to jump at any opportunity. Plus, I have a flight lesson with my instructor tomorrow afternoon!

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