About This Blog:

The primary purpose of this blog is to showcase the best of my aviation photography. As such, you will find links to my main aviation gallery on Facebook containing photos from aircraft spotting, some kind of aviation event such as air shows and fly-in events, as well as aviation museums. I also critique my flights on commercial airlines and the services they provide. Occassionally, you'll find personally written, independent articles based on news and current events involving aviation. And of course, I'll put up links to official and unofficial aviation-related websites when I find them. And when time permits, I'll talk and discuss about anything involving aviation. But most importantly, this is my way to document my journey into the aviation industry!

Friday, March 26, 2021

Gallery Update: A "WTF" Spotting Moment in Salem!

So I went flying again today, and long-story-short, I've been having a bad day. After a long and rough work week, I was looking forward to finishing my commercial checkride, which was supposed to take place tomorrow. However, it's been postponed because my designated pilot examiner (DPE) got sick today. Even after going flying today to kind of get myself out of a slump, it was a bad day of flying as well because things didn't go as well as I hoped.

After getting back, I was refueling my plane when I had a "WTF moment" with regards to one of my more bizarre spotting opportunities, which came in the form of a Cessna Citation wearing one of the craziest, eye-catchingly ugliest liveries I've ever seen on a private jet! I think it be best to let the pictures do the talking...


Cessna 525 Citation CJ1+ (N680KH) taxiing in after arriving from Portland.

Seriously, when I saw this paintjob, I was thinking "WTF!" This livery reminds me of cotton candy. The color combination however, makes me want to gouge out my eyes! Seeing the Fiore logo on the tail indicates a brand of some sorts, but a quick Internet search yielded several different "Fiore" logos and companies for different things! However, a random search on Instagram revealed that this Fiore brand is for a California-based cannabis company; they even call this CJ1 the "Cookie Monster!" Like I said: "WTF?!"

Cessna 414 (N1668T) taxiing for departure to Eugene. Someone's clearly an Oregon Ducks fan!

N1668T departing on 34 for Eugene. Definitely one of the nicest Cessna 414s I've seen!

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