About This Blog:

The primary purpose of this blog is to showcase the best of my aviation photography. As such, you will find links to my main aviation gallery on Facebook containing photos from aircraft spotting, some kind of aviation event such as air shows and fly-in events, as well as aviation museums. I also critique my flights on commercial airlines and the services they provide. Occassionally, you'll find personally written, independent articles based on news and current events involving aviation. And of course, I'll put up links to official and unofficial aviation-related websites when I find them. And when time permits, I'll talk and discuss about anything involving aviation. But most importantly, this is my way to document my journey into the aviation industry!

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Gallery Update: Velocity Sighting in Salem!

After getting back from a local flight, I got a few quick shots from around the ramp area. One aircraft that caught my eye was a Velocity XL, a home-built canard pusher design based off of it's predecessor, the Velocity SE!

Salem (SLE) 55


Cessna 560XL Citation Excel (N97VS) parked on the ramp. Arrived earlier today from Fayetteville, Arkansas. Scheduled to depart for Manistee, Michigan tomorrow morning.

Velocity XL300 (N274JP) parked on the ramp. Apparently, this unique home-built has been parked for a few days now because it had engine issues. Based out of Paso Robles, California. My first time seeing and photographing such an unusual design!

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