About This Blog:

The primary purpose of this blog is to showcase the best of my aviation photography. As such, you will find links to my main aviation gallery on Facebook containing photos from aircraft spotting, some kind of aviation event such as air shows and fly-in events, as well as aviation museums. I also critique my flights on commercial airlines and the services they provide. Occassionally, you'll find personally written, independent articles based on news and current events involving aviation. And of course, I'll put up links to official and unofficial aviation-related websites when I find them. And when time permits, I'll talk and discuss about anything involving aviation. But most importantly, this is my way to document my journey into the aviation industry!

Friday, February 14, 2020

Gallery Update: Quick Ramp Shots at Salem

I went flying today and I was glad I was able to do so because today is Valentine's Day, my least favorite day of my least favorite month of the year; not to get too personal, but the older I get, the harder Valentine's Day gets for me every year. At least getting the opportunity to fly today made Valentine's Day a little more bearable this year...

After I got back from flying, I refueled the airplane I flew in today and then took a few quick photos on the ramp, something I'll try to do more often when I go flying in order to bring a little more content out often.

Salem (SLE) 36


Dassault Falcon 2000EX (N198SS) parked on the ramp.

Piper PA-28-140 Cherokee (N1636H) parked on the ramp, the very plane I flew today!

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