Tried to go flying N7625F with the new radios, but no dice! |
So I ended up aborting the flight in the Cherokee and we towed the plane back to the parking spot on the ramp. I got us in a Katana instead. And yes, I had to do the pre-flight all over again AND pull it out of the hangar! Thankfully, I didn't have to refuel the Katana! Once pre-flight preparations were complete, I helped my passenger into the plane before hopping in myself, closed the canopy and went through the engine-start process. Once I got the engine started, and got the gauges and instruments set up, I began taxiing.
So it was another unplanned flight in N968CT again! |
I taxied us over to my run-up area by the ramp, checking the brakes and steering on the way. After going through the engine run-ups and before-takeoff procedures, I taxied us over to Runway 12, which the winds were favoring at the moment. And since I was pilot-in-command of the Katana that has a Stratus on board, I connected my Foreflight app on my iPad and handed it to my passenger for some real-time in-flight information. I held short of the runway on the far end of the airport for a Lancair that was in the traffic pattern. While we waited, we took a selfie!
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Obligatory selfie while awaiting our turn for takeoff! (Photo credit: Miriam Flinders, my lovely passenger!) |
After the passing Lancair landed, I visually cleared the approach and departure ends of the runway before taxiing onto it. After cross-checking the runway heading with the compass and heading indicator, I throttled forward and began takeoff roll. We got airborne and it was evident that it was a little bumpy, but nothing I can't handle. Once airborne, I took us southbound following I-15 below us; as I climbed in altitude, the air started to smooth out. As we headed southbound, I performed a clearing turn before demonstrating a power-off stall; my passenger was a good sport about it!
Once we were over Santaquin, I demonstrated an emergency descent, pretending that we had an engine fire; the descending turn got us back on a northbound heading and I was in position to do turns around a point around the Payson LDS Temple for my passenger's benefit and allow her to get some pictures on her phone. We circled the Temple a few times before I flew us back to Spanish Fork. As we headed back, I tuned into the AWOS frequency to get any updated information on the winds; there was now a slight crosswind over the runway. I thought about doing some touch-and-go landings to get some practice in, but I decided against it and set up for a full-stop landing instead as the winds were somewhat unpredictable. I flew overhead midfield and swung back around to enter the left downwind for Runway 12, the same runway we departed from earlier.
I configured the Katana for landing, and right away I noticed that the winds were a little squirrelly and descending was a little difficult. On my base-to-final turn, I came in a little high, so I executed a slip during the final approach to help bleed off the excess altitude, which eventually led to a successful and smooth landing on Runway 12! After rolling out, I cleared the runway at the next available taxiway and headed back to the hangar, where I shut the engine down and ended another successful flight! After vacating the airplane, I grabbed the tow tug and carefully pushed the Katana back into the hangar and called it another fun outing!
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