I got a job! At the beginning of this week, I was hired on as a dispatcher at Platinum Aviation, the flight school I'm currently doing business with for my flight training. I am just absolutely grateful and thrilled for this opportunity to gain employment at an entry-level position in the aviation industry (you can say that my aviation career has REALLY started now!). Having a pilots license and being in flight training towards other ratings is one thing, but after everything I've went through last year, I really needed an actual job in the aviation industry so I can start building upon my résumé and actually get my career going. This new job of mine will be a part of the big adventure!
I've worked a few days a week with a goal to complete daily tasks as needed. With a job and school, I've gained a lot more structure to my schedule and daily activities. I decided to go into work for a few hours this afternoon to help out where I could; it was a somewhat slow day, so I took some opportunities to do some passive plane-spotting during lulls in activity. Plus, since I'm frequently at the Spanish Fork Airport, I'll continue to bring my camera and snap photos when opportunities permit.
Spanish Fork-Springville (SPK) 14
Cessna R172K Hawk XP (N736ML) on short final for 30 working the pattern. |
Platinum Aviation Piper PA-28-140 Cherokee Cruiser (N7625F) on short final for 30. |
Robinson R22 (N44UH) on short final for 30. |
SOCATA TBM 700 (N930YY) on final for 30, arriving from Logan, Utah. |
Bell 505 JRX Jet Ranger X (N505XX) arriving over the field. |
Diamond DA-20-C1 Eclipse (N376DC) taxiing over to the run-up pad prior to departure. After photographing, flying and logging time in several different DA-20s, it's strange to see one that I haven't photographed yet! The Eclipse models have rear windows for better visibility and is more suited for private use. |
A flight of two locally-based Carbon Cubs taking 30 for departure! These guys use very little runway to get airborne! |
CubCrafters Carbon Cub EX (N111XC) on short final for 30. Best Tugs is a locally-based company that makes electric airplane tow tugs; Platinum Aviation is a customer and user of several Best Tugs products, which I use as part of my job! |
CubCrafters Super Cub Sport (N47KJ) on short final for 30. |
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